It was a special weekend of Boy Scout Adventures and Fun. The Wilderness Survival Scouts survived a rain shower Friday night in their specially constructed shelter. Then on Saturday they reviewed Survival and fishing skills and enjoyed roasted rabbit, corn on the cob and Turkey legs for dinner.
The Pioneering crew worked on lashing, knot tying and rope making Saturday morning with an exciting bamboo rafting competition in the afternoon. Congratulations To Liam Melville and Geer Prutzman’s crew who pulled away with a win and enjoyed a steak dinner Saturday night.
The Troop Guides worked with the First Year Scouts to teach camping skills and how the Patrol method works. There was a Nature Hike Saturday afternoon that explored many aspects of the woods including plants and animals. We closed Saturday night around the campfire with skits and a meaningful Flag Retirement ceremony.
Special thanks to the Troop Guides for a job well done, to our Senior Patrol Leader Max Breeden and all of our adults that came and pitched in to make this a great Campout.