Shooting Sports Campout

Shooting Sports Campout

What a great weekend for camping!  Our Shooting Sports went well as the Scouts went through 300 sporting clays, along with several cases ammo for rifles and black powder.  Officer Adkins worked with a number Scouts to shoot for the first time.  His patients and...
Camp Horne – Summer Camp Wrapup

Camp Horne – Summer Camp Wrapup

Our first time to Camp Horne was a success and the break in humidity made for great weather.  There was plenty of activities including Glow Stick Orienteering Friday night with Cookies and Milk for the winning patrol.  Saturday everyone worked and completed the...
Camp Woodruff — Summer Camp 2015

Camp Woodruff — Summer Camp 2015

Summer Camp 2015 was spent at Camp Woodruff in North Georgia. Camp Woodruff is part of the Atlanta Area Council and Troop 97 spent a week there a few years back. Troops from all over the southeast spent a week there. We had troops from Florida, Tennessee, Mississippi...
U.S.S. Yorktown 2015

U.S.S. Yorktown 2015

Troop 97 took its annual schools out trip to the U.S.S. Yorktown in Charleston, South Carolina at the end of May 2015. The scouts spent three nights sleeping in the bunks on the world war II era aircraft carrier. Merit badges such as oceanography, astronomy and...
Sipsey Wilderness Trip

Sipsey Wilderness Trip

This past weekend, March 21-22, 2015, due to some course changes due to the Scoutmaster and quick thinking on Tom Spencers part, we explored what very few people see in the Sipsey Wilderness.  We completed a 19 mile trek that included: Largest Tree in Alabama Largest...
Scout Sunday 2015

Scout Sunday 2015

The scouts and leaders of Troop 97 and Pack 397 at Scout Sunday on February 8, 2015. Thanks to our chartered organization, Trinity United Methodist Church for hosting us and letting us be apart of their ministry for over 60 years.
2015 Scout Sunday and Court of Honor

2015 Scout Sunday and Court of Honor

This Sunday, February 8th, is the annual Scout Sunday celebration at Trinity UMC. Scout Sunday is celebrated by Troops all over the country to not only commemorate the founding of Boy Scouts in America but also to demonstrate the scouting program to the various...
20 Mile Hike 2015

20 Mile Hike 2015

It was a great day for hiking and we were blessed with getting off the trail before the rain started.  Special thanks to our trail Leader Tom Spencer as well as Jody Alessi, Ken Kirk, Michael Blanton, Dean Burgess, Mark Boackle and Ted Hamner who organized our rest...
Troop 97 Family Picnic is August 27

Troop 97 Family Picnic is August 27

Make plans to attend the annual Troop 97 Family Picnic on Wednesday August 27 at 6:00 PM.  Instead of our regular meeting we will meet at Patriot Park for a covered dish picnic.  Also there will be games and slide show of all of the Summer campouts, including High...
SEAL Challenge is Saturday August 23rd

SEAL Challenge is Saturday August 23rd

[embedyt][/embedyt]   Strong, Ethical, Alert, Leader – This event is one of the requirements to earn the SEAL patch.  The patch itself is not a Scouting rank requirement but many of the requirements are Eagle required Merit Badges...