Boy Scout rank requirements have been updated for 2016
In 2015 the Cub Scout program got a big updated to the requirements for the different ranks. In 2016 it’s the Boy Scouts turn. It’s not as drastic as the Cub program but some of the biggest changes in Boy Scouts are: Number of required camping nights has increased...
Walls of Jericho Report
Have you ever wondered what it is like to witness something out of the Bible? On October 3rd-4th 2015, the Boy Scouts of Troop 97 did experience the Walls of Jericho, a magnificent rock face that has stood for a long time. The campout required backpacking, so the boys...
Little River Canyon Campout Report
May the Destination be known! At least, that is what these boys hoped to know on the weekend of December 5-6. That weekend was the Destination Unknown campout for the boys of Troop 97. They were all prepared for a backpacking trip. The only problem, the young boys had...
Mafeking Campout Report
On November 7th, 2015. The Boy Scouts of Troop 97 were sent to Mafeking,South Africa (which is actually Camp Sequoyah Scout Reservation) and were enlisted as British cadets to help win against the Dutch Boars(Older Scouts). Actually, the Boy Scouts were split into...
Mafeking 2015
Wow, what a weekend, Mafeking 2015 was a success despite the English weather we had. Congratulations to the Raccoon Patrol who won top honors for winning the overall Patrol category and to Carter Wagner who won Best Patrol Leader. Special recognition to Commander...
Destination Unknown 2015 – Little River Canyon
It was a great weekend to camp and explore the Little River Canyon located near Fort Payne. We had an opportunity watch kayakers brave the 45’ falls, then hike down the canyon to capture the beauty of the river. We had a short hike to the Little River Canyon Center...
The Eagles Nest has been dedicated
On Sunday, November 1, 2015 a new campsite located at Red Mountain Park was dedicated. The first and currently only campsite at Red Mountain Park was built by adult leaders Glenn Glover, Beau Strong and many scout and adult volunteers. They spent eight Saturdays and...
Junior Leader Training
It was a great weekend for Scout training at Troop 97. On Saturday, October 31, 2015, we had a good turnout for Junior Leader Training where our NYLT trained scouts, William Chbeir, Colin Melville, Mac Wagstaff and Jared Prather led several sessions that included...