Wyndygoul Campout — Nov 11 – 13, 2016
Here are the activities that the Scouts of Troop 97 participated on the Wyndygoul campout. Day 1: We left for Camp O’Rear at 2:30 pm on Friday, Nov. 11. One hour later we all chose our Indian names (mine bring “Fivekiller”). At 4:00 p.m we picked out our campsites and...
Family Campout at Camp Sumatanga, August 5, 2016
What a great time we had at our annual family campout! To start out the 3-day trip, we arrived at Camp Sumatanga on Friday, August 5th. The Scouts set up their tents, and their family members got situated into the lodge, set up their own tents, or parked their RVs....
Eagle Court of Honor — August 14, 2016
An Eagle Court of Honor was held at Trinity United Methodist Church on August 14, 2016 for the latest scouts who have attained the rank of Eagle. Our newest Eagle Scouts are: Nicholas Corsini John Glover Michael Lloyd Charlie McCaulley After a welcome by Troop...
Grimes Canoe Adventure 2016
One of the true adventures of Scouting is to strap your camping gear in a canoe and head off down the river. At Grimes Canoe Base Troop 97 did just that. We honed our canoeing skills on Saturday morning traveling 7 miles downriver without gear stopping for lunch at...
Sea Base report from the schooner Yankee
Reports are coming in from our Sea Base crew and they are doing great aboard The Yankee! The boys have been learning to sail and have learned about all the parts of the schooner. They have also learning what to do and what NOT to do when using the toilet on the boat....
Wilderness Survival Campout 2016
It was a special weekend of Boy Scout Adventures and Fun. The Wilderness Survival Scouts survived a rain shower Friday night in their specially constructed shelter. Then on Saturday they reviewed Survival and fishing skills and enjoyed roasted rabbit, corn on the cob...
Pinhoti Backpack Trip 2016
The weekend backpacking trip went very well thanks to Bill Abel’s superior mapping skills. Saturday began with a two mile hike into a beautiful saddle on the backside of Cheaha Mountain. We setup camp, had lunch and then ventured on a 5 mile trek that took us across...
Vulcan Camporee 2016 Report
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you combined scouting with the Olympics? The scouts of Troop 97, both young and old, have always visited the Vulcan District Camporee at Tannehill Ironworks Historical Park for a special “Scout Olympics.” Troops from...