Oct 23, 2015 | Campout
It was a great weekend for camping at the Walls of Jericho with cool temperatures and just enough rain to keep us on our toes. There was time to explore all of the crevices and over hangs as well as a tadpole pool nestled in the middle of the rock formations. The...
Sep 15, 2015 | Campout
What a great weekend for camping! Our Shooting Sports went well as the Scouts went through 300 sporting clays, along with several cases ammo for rifles and black powder. Officer Adkins worked with a number Scouts to shoot for the first time. His patients and...
Aug 4, 2015 | Campout
Our first time to Camp Horne was a success and the break in humidity made for great weather. There was plenty of activities including Glow Stick Orienteering Friday night with Cookies and Milk for the winning patrol. Saturday everyone worked and completed the...