If you are hesitant to join Boy Scouts or you are hesitant to let your son join Boy Scouts, trust me, it is 100% worth it. I’ve been in Boy Scouts since 5th grade and I don’t regret one second of it.
Boy Scouts not only helps boys get out of their house and do something very productive, but it also teaches them many many important values they can use in life and also in the wild. Boy Scouts has helped me build countless friendships and many memories.
You may be hesitant about joining and so was I at first. But I got in the groove and I would recommend it to anyone. Boy Scouts has given me the opportunity to go on trips most young boys can only dream of. From sailing in the Florida Keys to hiking in the New Mexico Desert. I’ve traveled to amazing and beautiful places and be adventurous which I love to do. Just being in Boy Scouts gives you the opportunity for countless trips right at your fingertips, all you have to do is join a troop. Here at Troop 97, we take a trip about once a month, sometimes more and sometimes less.
In the world today, young boys are all tangled up in their phones and games and never get to experience the real world. Boy Scouts is one of the few things left that can get you off the couch and into nature doing something you may end up loving. Boy Scouts has changed the way I live in such a positive way. Many people think Boy Scouts is easy but I’m here to tell you the opposite. Boy Scouts is challenging and it makes you really put time and effort into some of the tasks and requirements. Boy Scouts is challenging so that the rank of Eagle stays unique and special.
Boy Scouts is one of then best ways to get your child out and active with a great group of guys. I’ve never had any regrets about being a Boy Scout.
Sam Kyle
Troop 97 Scribe
Arrow of Light dens are currently crossing over to Boy Scout Troops. If you have not decided on a troop or you are not currently a scout and would like to know more, Troop 97 is having sign-up night on April 12th starting at 6:30 pm. We invite you to join us.